Hierarchical structure
The four main xAct packages have hierarchical dependences:
- xCoba needs xTensor
- xTensor needs xPerm
- xPerm needs xCore
- xCore needs the package ExpressionManipulation, developed by T. Ersek and D. Park.
Needed packages are automatically read at loading time.
Then xPert and Invar need xTensor, and Harmonics and Spinors need xCoba.
Contributed packages
- xPrint, by Alessandro Stecchina.
- SymManipulator, by Thomas Bäckdahl.
- AVF, by Hugo D. Wahlquist.
- xTras, by Teake Nutma.
- TexAct, by Thomas Bäckdahl, José M. Martín-García and Barry Wardell.
- xPand, by Cyril Pitrou, Xavier Roy and Obinna Umeh.
- xTerior, by Alfonso García-Parrado and Leo C. Stein.
- SpinFrames, by Thomas Bäckdahl and Steffen Aksteiner.
- xIST/COPPER, by Johannes Noller.
- EFTofPNG:, by Michele Levi and Jan Steinhoff.
- bimEX, by Francesco Torsello.
- FieldsX, by Markus B. Fröb.
- xPPN, by Manuel Hohmann.
- SymSpin, by Steffen Aksteiner and Thomas Bäckdahl.
- HiGGS, by Will Barker.
- xBrauer, by Thomas Helpin.
- PSALTer, by Will Barker, Carlo Marzo and Claire Rigouzzo.
Other packages, not in xAct
These are other Mathematica notebooks I have developed in the past, and which could also be useful: